Organizăm wetlab gratuit pentru rezidenții anului IV, in data de 20-21 iunie 2023, care se adresează unui număr de 60 de participanți ce vor parcurge un curs teoretic și practic referitor la patologia segmentului anterior al globului ocular ( suturi și cataractă ).
Confirmarea participării și ziua programata va fi anunțată pe mail dupa terminarea înscrierilor. Vor participa cate 30 cursanți pe zi.
Înscrierile se fac accesând linkul următor pana la data de 1 mai 2023.
Zilele vor fi identice ca organizare, astfel:
09:00 – 13:00 curs teoretic / 14:00 – 18:00 curs practic (hands-on)
09:00 – 10:00 Dr. Valeriu RUSU
Wound Construction
o The importance of the wound in cataract surgery
o Peroperative considerations and sealing
o Post op refractive consideration
o Clear Cornea 2.2mm
o Clear Cornea 1.7mm
o Knives and how to choose them
o The importance of the wound as an oarlock for the instruments
What is a good OVD?
Corneal edema
Cortical cleavage
o The importance of a flat capsule and the avoidance of AC shallowing leading to a convex and capsule
o Forceps
o Needle
o Femto
o Capsule dyes
o Recapturing lost tears
o Enlarging small tears
o Capsulorhexis of the posterior capsule
10:00 – 11:00 Dr. Bogdan GALAN
The Physics of Phaco
o Piezoelectric Crystals
o Traditional ultrasound vs. Torsional
o The foot pedal and what it does
o Different pump systems and state of the art Active Fluidics vs other systems
o The importance of sensors in a phaco system ( FMS is not just a cassette, Active Sentry not only a HP)
o Vacuum on artifical eyes
o Aspiration Flow rate on artifical eyes
o What settings for each part of the surgery
Nuclear – Disassembly Techniques and Strategies
o The importance of going deep in the centre
o How sculpt in different and needs different settings
o The concept of the safe zone
o Chop
o Crack
o Hard Lenses
o Soft Lenses
o Capsule rupture
o Vitrectomy settings and instruments
o Coaxial
o Bimanual
o Polishing
o Capsule rupture
11:00 – 12:00 Dr. Mihai ZEMBA
Lens implantation
o Preloaded IOLs tips and tricks
o Toric
o Multifocal
o Lenses for little or no capsule support
o OVD removal
Sealing the wound
o Hydration
o Closure of conjunctiva
o Intravitreal injection of anti-VEGF
Making mistakes is normal, learning from mistakes is mandatory
Speed vs safety
Pre operative assesment of patient
Post operative management of patient
12:00 – 13:00 Dr. Dorin NICULA